Whoa, hold up! After weeks of attacking his opponent David Parker with rumors, innuendos and finger-pointing, NCDP chair candidate Bill Faison now wants to end the blame game because it wasn't really the Democrats' fault that the Republicans kicked their keister.
According to Faison's latest message, "the repubs" just "out-messaged" Democrats and pointing fingers now at those Democrats who dropped the ball just isn't necessary any more. Maybe Faison's change of heart comes from realizing everyone those responsible for the NCDP's past two years of errors are the very same people who are backing Faison today!
And as everyone knows by now, former state democratic party chair Jerry Meek had a personal agenda for backing David Young to succeed Meek. That agenda was about revenge and political pay back to prevent David Parker from becoming the successor all because Parker chose to endorse someone other than Meek for chair back in 2005.
Under Young's weak "leadership," the party suffered widespread election "losses at every level of state government" in 2009 and 2010 including losing control of the legislative agenda. Remember, If Meek can claim credit for all the 2008 wins, then he has to take the blame for all the 2010 losses.
Now Faison is Meek's 2011 stooge -- just like Young was in 2009 -- just to block David Parker's bid to become the NCDP's next state chair. And that begs the question, can we really afford another two years of Meek's anointed yet inexperienced party leaders? Not just no, but HELLLLLLLL no!
If Faison's video message is any indication of his communication strengths, then he doesn't brings much to the table as a potential state chair. Rambling toward some sort of a point, Faison inarticulately claims, "I have a background that allows me to enjoy the process of getting after Republicans.
Wha-huh??? Enjoy the process? This makes no sense.
How exactly does Faison plan to "get after Republicans?" By giving them full credit for our missteps? According to Faison's video, he says, "the repubs set the message, they set the tone, they captured the press and the media and they hammered it home to us." Notice how carefully Faison sidestepped any assessment of what Democrats did wrong. Hey, he needs every vote and that makes Faison blind to fixing what needs to be fixed inside the party.
Seriously, Democrats lost across North Carolina not because "we got out-messaged," but because we were too busy infighting to bother to develop any message voters could relate to. Instead, the state party coasted on the 2008 election after-glow and wasted time, energy and money fighting over who should run for what in our own primaries at the expense of grassroots support. Remember the US Senate democratic primary debacle where our state party leadership tried to force an inexperienced legislator (Cal Cunningham) on voters who clearly preferred the experienced, savvy and party favorite (Elaine Marshall)?
Wait a second! That sounds remarkably similar to our current situation over the candidates for NC's party chair! An inexperienced leader seeking to steal a seat better served by a more seasoned and experienced party leader.
Parker must have Faison worried because Faison is now borrowing from Parker's style of communication. Finally using video to "speak" to the State Executive Committee members for the first time, Faison proved he's not a good communicator at driving a point home.
"They're (Republicans) going to do things that disturb all of us," Faison said after listing the GOP's expected agenda of cutting back programs. But aren't we lucky Faison is "willing to take the time (read: from his busy schedule) and to do the work to help us win back control of our state." Not exactly a dedicated or decisive statement for one pursuing the state chair role.
No where does Faison ever talk about actually leading the party out of the ashes or bringing fresh ideas to undo the damage. Nope. Instead, Faison is going to run the state party like a business and, in his own words, "demand party staff achieve measurable and specific actions." Great. Just great.
That top-down style isn't leadership, it's management by decree and that doesn't work in a 99% volunteer organization. That's why we, like hundreds of other SEC members, proudly endorse David Parker for state chair. Vote David Parker on Saturday, January 29th in Raleigh.
Find out what really goes on inside the North Carolina Democratic Party. We publish the latest news on everything from the Charlotte 2012 Democratic National Convention plans to who are the Movers, Shakers & Trouble-Makers" to Leadership Progress Reports on the issues plaguing the party.
All stories posted are fact-checked, accurate with links to documentary proof.
Read up on the NCDP's inner-workings and learn what's happening inside our party headquarters. Share this with all party officers and active democrats today! All articles posted are fact-checked for accuracy and provide corroborating links to documented evidence as proof. Contact us at ncdppolitics@gmail.com.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Kevin Smith's vision for Party Secretary: Make data available
Kevin Smith says he plans to expand the role of Secretary of the North Carolina Democratic Party beyond just distributing meeting minutes in a timely manner. Smith is one of two candidates running for the NCDP Secretary's office and says if he's elected he'll insure party members can access the party's voter activity database which has been "privy to only a select few"instead of "those on the ground who will utilize it to the fullest extent."
In addition to being the party's historian and bookkeeper of important documents on party activities, Smith says if he's elected, he "will concentrate on improving the current databases, which contain valuable information that can be better used if properly organized and maintained. Party members should have accurate and up-to-date databases when trying to connect with voters and volunteers. Too many elections have been hampered as a result of inaccurate information in an existing database."
"It is my hope that at the end, all information is on demand and as simple as a couple of keystrokes," according to Smith's email message to State Executive Committee members, the voting body of the NCDP.
Smith also addressed the concerns many have voiced about the lack of training opportunities on the VAN (Voter Activation Network) calling it "a cumbersome and discouraging process," as well as developing better network strategies for the Party to become more efficient at sending notifications.
NCDPpolitics proudly endorses Kevin Smith for NCDP Secretary. NCDP will hold its state party officers election on January 29, 2011 in Raleigh.
In addition to being the party's historian and bookkeeper of important documents on party activities, Smith says if he's elected, he "will concentrate on improving the current databases, which contain valuable information that can be better used if properly organized and maintained. Party members should have accurate and up-to-date databases when trying to connect with voters and volunteers. Too many elections have been hampered as a result of inaccurate information in an existing database."
"It is my hope that at the end, all information is on demand and as simple as a couple of keystrokes," according to Smith's email message to State Executive Committee members, the voting body of the NCDP.
Smith also addressed the concerns many have voiced about the lack of training opportunities on the VAN (Voter Activation Network) calling it "a cumbersome and discouraging process," as well as developing better network strategies for the Party to become more efficient at sending notifications.
NCDPpolitics proudly endorses Kevin Smith for NCDP Secretary. NCDP will hold its state party officers election on January 29, 2011 in Raleigh.
Montgomery aims digs at 1st Vice Chair Adams
Dannie Montgomery may be running for state chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party but her latest email message points out her First Vice Chair successor Stella Adams dropped the ball in getting democrats elected.
On January 24th, Montgomery asked the state party's State Executive Committee members to "stand boldly" with her to cast a vote not just for Montgomery but as a referendum on the party's philosophy and policies.
"Over the last few years, we were driven into a ditch and now we will decide whether to dig deeper or drive out. I am asking you to trust me with the keys," Montgomery stated. "I am asking you to return the keys to the grassroots. You and I, we are grassroots! We know how to win elections, build consensus, raise money, and work together."
Montgomery's comments are clearly directed at the current party officers who did not "deliver" victory nor do their jobs properly. "We will not let go of the work began in 2006 and continued in 2008 and we will reclaim NC. While serving as your First Vice Chair, I was never missing-in-action and never relented in Party or GOTV efforts."
Montgomery is running against David Parker and Bill Faison for state chair. She has yet to release a list of names endorsing her candidacy. NCDPpolitics appreciates Montgomery's passion to return NC to a "blue state" but stands by its endorsement of David Parker for state chair and urges Montgomery to throw her support behind Parker..
On January 24th, Montgomery asked the state party's State Executive Committee members to "stand boldly" with her to cast a vote not just for Montgomery but as a referendum on the party's philosophy and policies.
"Over the last few years, we were driven into a ditch and now we will decide whether to dig deeper or drive out. I am asking you to trust me with the keys," Montgomery stated. "I am asking you to return the keys to the grassroots. You and I, we are grassroots! We know how to win elections, build consensus, raise money, and work together."
Montgomery's comments are clearly directed at the current party officers who did not "deliver" victory nor do their jobs properly. "We will not let go of the work began in 2006 and continued in 2008 and we will reclaim NC. While serving as your First Vice Chair, I was never missing-in-action and never relented in Party or GOTV efforts."
Montgomery is running against David Parker and Bill Faison for state chair. She has yet to release a list of names endorsing her candidacy. NCDPpolitics appreciates Montgomery's passion to return NC to a "blue state" but stands by its endorsement of David Parker for state chair and urges Montgomery to throw her support behind Parker..
Melvin Williams endorsements lack credibility & names
Melvin Williams is either clueless or he is underestimating the intelligence of the North Carolina Democratic Party's voting body in the upcoming party officers elections this weekend.
Williams sent out yet another of his supposed "endorsements" emails to the State Executive Committee members of the NCDP. In his latest email, once again, Williams included a long list of unattributed, positive comments that support Williams for party secretary. Each comment is in the form of a quote but not one quote includes the name of the supposed author! Treating the SEC members like mindless sheep is definitely not a good trait for a potential party officer.
Sadly, Williams just doesn't get it. The point of sending out endorsement publicity is to name names. And Williams hasn't mentioned any names. Instead, he lists the county and generic title of these nameless SEC members as if you'll believe anything because it's in writing. It has all the credibility of a late-night infomercial.
NCDPpolitics stands by its endorsement of Kevin Smith for party Secretary for his straightforward emails that do not insult SEC members' intelligence with fake endorsements. We will publish a separate article later today on Kevin Smith's own January 24th message.
Below is Williams' latest email message sent on January 24, 2011 in its entirety for readers to view for themselves:
Williams sent out yet another of his supposed "endorsements" emails to the State Executive Committee members of the NCDP. In his latest email, once again, Williams included a long list of unattributed, positive comments that support Williams for party secretary. Each comment is in the form of a quote but not one quote includes the name of the supposed author! Treating the SEC members like mindless sheep is definitely not a good trait for a potential party officer.
Sadly, Williams just doesn't get it. The point of sending out endorsement publicity is to name names. And Williams hasn't mentioned any names. Instead, he lists the county and generic title of these nameless SEC members as if you'll believe anything because it's in writing. It has all the credibility of a late-night infomercial.
NCDPpolitics stands by its endorsement of Kevin Smith for party Secretary for his straightforward emails that do not insult SEC members' intelligence with fake endorsements. We will publish a separate article later today on Kevin Smith's own January 24th message.
Below is Williams' latest email message sent on January 24, 2011 in its entirety for readers to view for themselves:
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