We're endorsing June Mabry for several reasons that make her head-and-shoulders above the other two.
Unlike Adams, who works in Washington DC five days a week, Mabry can serve the North Carolina Democratic Party 7-days a week.
Unlike Wilkins, Mabry has achieved results getting Democrats elected in the red District 8 where democratic voter registration is far lower than republicans. Wilkins has managed to not screw things up but she certainly hasn't had to fight any uphill battles in District 1 because democratic voter registration in that very blue district is near or over the 70 percentile.
In 2008, Mabry's District 8 team of county chairs and grassroots volunteers managed to unseat a six-term incumbent. Larry Kissell defeated Robin Hayes, a first in over a decade for that seat. And in 2010, when Republican candidates were defeating Democratic incumbents and first-time candidates left and right, Mabry's district worked harder than ever and Kissell retained that seat, despite Tea Party momentum and corporate cash cows.
But what was astounding is this week's announcement of the state's African-American Caucus-NCDP endorsed Mabry over the other two. Mabry, who is half Japanese, half caucasian was an interesting and refreshing pick over her two African-American opponents, Adams and Wilkins.
Mabry knows its going to take a hell of a lot more than tweeting from DC to keep the party activists and officers energized. Unfortunately, that is what we'll get from Adams again if she's re-elected. Tweeting from DC to a small, select group of democrats. Not once did she email the entire SEC members until recently when it was time to seek re-election! On January 23rd, Adams said in that email:
"Finally, I understand that people are concerned that I work in DC. It is true, I do work in DC but I commute home most weekends and I am in NC more than I am in DC. Through 21st Century technology I stay in contact with more North Carolinians than if I attended 100 county party conventions. I love our state and I love our Party. It is your choice and I hope you will vote to re-elect me as your 1st vice chair. Sincerely,Adams wasn't even in the state during the mid-term November elections. Check out her Facebook comments where she admits to failing in her role as First Vice Chair. We start with the morning after the walloping and include Adams comments from the evening of the Nov. 2nd elections.
Stella Adams"
Wilkins' last minute announcement to run does little to convince us of her conviction and desire to work and to lead. While she's a very nice woman as most would agree, we need a First Vice Chair who will do the work asked of her by our new State Chairman.
Mabry has the ability to do everything from rolling up her sleeves and doing the grunt work to drawing upon her marketing background and her political strategy work to get the job done.
Don't waste your vote on a political popularity vote. Vote for someone who can get the job done and who's going to be available when you need her here in the state.
A vote for anyone other than Mabry is a vote to continue with the current administration's Missing-In-Action leadership plan that lacks focus, message and direction. Vote for a smart First Vice Chair.
Vote June Mabry for NCDP First Vice Chair because every county and every district matters.