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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Candidates needed for NCDP 3rd Vice Chair

Update:  Paul Brandon Johnson has entered the race for Third Vice Chair and just received (1/26/11) the endorsement of the African American Caucus, the official AA auxiliary of the North Carolina Democratic Party.

The North Carolina Democratic Party's upcoming election for state party officers is less than a week away and only the Third Vice Chair position has an unopposed candidate listed for Saturday's ballot.

Tony McEwen is running for re-election to hold onto the seat for a second term.  If anyone is interested in running for this position, now is the time to announce his or her candidacy or McEwen will win it by default.

McEwen was a part of the state party's board when North Carolina suffered some of the worst mid-term election outcomes including losing control of the State Legislature during a redistricting year.

If McEwen did anything noteworthy to help fight the the Republicans' momentum, he has yet to publish it in his re-election messages.  Our party needs democrats to run for party office who bring more to the table than lofty ideals about what the Democratic Party stands for. It needs Democrat with skills, energy and commitment to rebuilding the party's structure and taking back control of the State Legislature, something that Democrats controlled for over a hundred years, until now.

Women candidates are especially needed to step up and run. It appears from the current list of candidates, the only women who will be on the board is the first vice chair. Minority candidates are well represented but gender balance on the state's executive council is far from 50%.  If you know a woman who would do a great job, please contact her today and ask her to run for the state party's Third Vice Chair.

2 more candidates enter 2nd Vice Chair race

Ralph Johnson of Guilford County and Douglas Wilson of Mecklenburg County announced their candidacy for North Carolina Democratic Party's Second Vice Chair.  Both men join incumbent Delmas Parker who is seeking a fourth term.

Johnson is from Greensboro and ran for office in 2010 against Rep. Alma Adams in the 2010 primary.
Williams is an officer in the Mecklenburg African-American Caucus and a member of the NAACP.

Congratulations to Ralph Johnson and Douglas Williams for seeking office in the NCDP and for stepping up to challenge an uncontested incumbent.

We wish you both much luck!