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Monday, January 30, 2012

NEW! 2012 Statewide Candidates Page Debuts

Democratic candidates seeking statewide office in North Carolina can now link their websites and announcements to NCDPpolitics.  "Who's Running: 2012 Candidates" makes its debut today on this site and all candidates are listed who've announced their intentions to seek a statewide office.

Both Democrats and Republicans are listed by office and links are provided to news announcements and candidates campaign websites were available.

Stay tuned for new candidate announcements as they become available.  To add any statewide candidate information to our website, please send information to

NCDP Approves Auxiliary Status to LGBT Democrats

It's official.  Over the weekend, the North Carolina Democratic Party approved a new state auxiliary organization into its ranks based solely on sexual orientation.  The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Democrats of NC (LGBTDemocratsNC) received overwhelming approval of its bylaws during the NCDP's State Executive Committee meeting in Greensboro on Saturday, January 28th.

Several hundred democrats attended the first 2012 SEC meeting to review a packed agenda that included items such as the selection process for the national convention, gubernatorial candidate announcements and recognition of county parties that had met organizing and sustaining fund goals.  However, no agenda item received such an enthusiastic reception and overwhelmingly supportive reaction as the LGBT charter for state auxiliary status.  Unlike Republicans, Democrats view discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation as a civil rights matter. 

The SEC party officers unanimously voted to approve both the LGBT Democrats NC charter and a resolution opposing the anti-marriage, anti-family Amendment One which will appear on the May 8th primary ballot. Amendment One seeks to oppose same-sex marriages by defining marriage in the NC state constitution as being between one man and one woman.

LGBT Democrats of North Carolina auxiliary status grants this newest organization both party credentials and the ability to influence and officially support democratic candidates like fellow statewide party auxiliaries that include College Democrats, Young Democrats (ages 21-35); Senior Democrats (ages 53+), Democratic Women, Hispanic American Democrats, The African American Caucus and Teen Democrats.

According to the LGBT Democrats of North Carolina's website, the state newest auxiliary already has officers in each of the 13 Congressional districts. 

NCDP Job Opening: Senate Caucus Director

In this critical election year, the North Carolina Democratic Party needs to fill a key staff position by February 1st.  North Carolina Democratic Party's NC Senate Caucus director Krista Anderson is leaving in early February to join President Barack Obama's re-election campaign in NC according to an article in the News & Observer.

Interested applicants can find the NC Senate Caucus position's duties and experience requirements listed in the job posting on  The state party wants to fill the position quickly listing Feb. 1st as the hire date. The ad expires Feb. 24th.  According to its news section, the NC Senate Caucus website hasn't been updated since October 2011.

Anderson was hired as the NCDP's political director in 2006, a position she held for nearly two years before becoming the state party's Senate Caucus director.  While employed as the NCDP political director, Anderson also worked as campaign manager of Albert Pollard's 2007 Senate campaign and Bill Barlow's 2005 House of Delegates campaign.

In her new job, Anderson will handle the "business end of the (Obama) campaign, managing logistics, payroll and satellite offices."

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