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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Predictions on New NCDP officer elections

Democrats from across North Carolina's 100 counties are gathering today at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh to elect new state party officers.

More than 500 of the 700 State Executive Committee members are expected to cast their votes in what's been viewed as a contentious event inside the party.  Based on research, rumor analysis and good old-fashioned feedback, NCDPpolitics is predicting the following election results:

Chair Candidates: David Parker, Bill Faison, Dannie Montgomery
Winner: David Parker

First Vice Chair Candidates:  Stella Adams, June Mabry, Gwen Wilkins
Winner: June Mabry

Second Vice Chair Candidates:  Delmas Parker, Ralph Johnson, Douglas Wilson
Winner: Ralph Johnson

Third Vice Chair Candidates: Paul Brandon Johnson, Tony McEwen
Winner: Paul Brandon Johnson

Secretary: Kevin Smith, Melvin Williams
Winner:  Kevin Smith

There you have our predictions (or possibly wish list). We'll know in just a few hours.


  1. 1/1 so far... David Parker wins with 56% in on a single ballot. 1st Vice Chair speeches just finished and balloting will begin. This will be followed by Secretary in an alteration to the rules without waiting for the 1VC votes to be counted first. Honestly Gwen had the best speech.

  2. 1st Vice Chair... 1st ballot (% rounded)
    Gwen Wilkins 46%
    June Mabry 33%
    Stella Adams 21%

    Stella Adams bows out and endorses Gwen Wilkins.
    Balloting starts, before it closes June Mabry bows out as well. Gwen is elected.

  3. 2nd Vice Chair (1 ballot)
    Doug Wilson 62%
    Delmas Parker 26%
    Ralph Johnson 12%
