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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The truth comes out amid Faison's smoke and mirrors

David Parker and Bill Faison are no longer in a tight race for Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party.  Parker is beating Faison 4-to1 now that Faison has finally published his list of endorsements.

According to Faison's list published this morning, the majority named are his co-workers in the State House. There's just one problem, only four of them can vote in the state chair's election on January 29th. The rest of them -- along with the 8 friends-of-Bill "activists" -- aren't actual state executive committee members and can't vote.  So, after we weeded through Faison's list and counted actual SEC members, he's only got 22 votes. Parker has 84 votes listed publicly.

Once again, Faison is trying to fool folks hoping no one looks too closely at his list of supporters (like we just did). He's dropping names of elected officials (who can't vote for him) hoping it'll influence those who actually can vote on the 29th.

As we told you earlier, former state chair Jerry Meek has been behind Faison's campaign all along since recruiting him to oppose Parker. Faison even pays homage to Meek's ego by listing Meek first on the list. But, after the weak performance of Meek's last chair recruit (David Young), it may not be the wisest campaign move for Faison to associate himself as being another Meek "pick."

Anyone else notice the governor's name is missing from Faison's endorsement list?  Faison said Governor Bev Perdue was backing him but it appears that is not the case.
Anyone else notice that Faison is still attacking Parker with lies and distortions in today's "Bridging the Gap" message:

"We have seen this gap for a long time now, and one of my opponents has offered what he thinks is a solution.
He believes that the State Party can gain a voice by attacking our fellow Democrats.  He believes that completely separating the Party from the business of electing candidates to the legislature, and continuing the status quo of passing resolutions and then never giving them to elected officials will bring about change."
-- Bill Faison
Faison is in the habit of making grandstanding accusations without providing any evidence or facts to support them up.  When exactly did Parker say he's going to attack fellow Democrats in the legislature or elsewhere? If Parker ever actually said this, Faison would have a link to it with triple footnotes! 

And if anyone "dropped the resolutions ball" during Faison's past six years in the General Assembly, well that happened on Jerry Meek's watch and again on David Young's watch as chairs of the party during those same past six years.

David Parker does not have the authority, duty or responsibility in the party's hierarchy to take the resolutions' "ball" from the Chair and take it to the legislators. To be fair, Faison's complaint should be aimed at those responsible and, as it turns out, that's Faison's very own recruiter, Jerry Meek.

How ironic and awk-warrrrrrrd.

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