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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Remove NCDP's traitor Jerimee Richir from Office

Jerimee Richir's past is rightfully haunting his future since our expose of his website sabotage ran early this month.

Jerimee Richir
Fired May 2009
Now that Richir's bad acts have been discovered, people are asking if he will be removed from office as a member of both the Wake Young Democrats Executive board and the North Carolina Democratic Party's State Executive Committee.  That is not a question we can answer as of yet, however, John Verdejo, president of the Wake County chapter of Young Democrats, and Mack Paul, county chair of the Wake County Democratic Party, should take immediate action to have Richir resign or be removed from office.

That's right. Richir (pronounced Rick-ter,  rhymes with "sphincter") holds office in the North Carolina Democratic Party but only because he managed to keep his dirty attacks secret from his democratic associates, party officers and elected officials. 

Shortly after Richir's firing in May 2009 as NCDP Online Communications Director, Richir began a two-year campaign sabotaging his former employer's website that continues to this day through a long litany of misconduct. This deviant behavior as a former employee is alarming to say nothing of his "conduct unbecoming a party officer."

Richir slithered into a position on the Wake County contingent of State Executive Committee members less than a month before he was fired by the state party.  Richir's SEC term ends in two months (April 2011) but he's already planning to seek re-election according to his last blog post on  There are plenty of other worthy democratic men who should serve in his position instead.

Richir blogs on where he generally promotes the progressive democrats non-auxiliary group that more often taints NCDP as not "liberal enough" in comparison.  Richir also hides in plain sight among the executive board of the Wake County Young Democrats as a 2011 At-large member.

The Wake YDs need to realize they have a traitor to the party on their very own executive board and need to take action immediately. If Richir isn't removed, the Wake YDs will lose credibility inside the party.

Richir has hidden his subversive crimes from his clients like BlueNC blog owner James Protzman who allows Richir full access to the BlueNC database of people who post on BlueNC and the freedom to blog through BlueNC's website. Quick to point out others' hypocracy,  Protzman continues to allow Richir to post on BlueNC despite these efforts to harm the NCDP despite having been notified of Richir's website sabotage but then again, Protzman is registered as an Independent.

Do Verdejo and Paul have the leadership skills to address this issue directly or, will they wait it out and see what happens? Let them know how you feel. Send us your comments to or comment directly to this article.  We will publish all comments received.


  1. While I wholeheartedly agree with the critique of Richir's actions in regards to NCDP web presence, I feel that use of terms such as "traitor" and making fun of his name do not contribute to the professional and constructive tone of the blog.

  2. Rich, thank you for commenting. Unfortunately, the best fit to describe JRichir's actions is "traitor" defined as "a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust." Our apologies for any offense at our effort to provide pronunciation assistance. We truly were not making fun of Richir's name but rather at his ass-like behavior.
