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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Endorsed Wake SEC Candidates Who've Earned A Seat

Something interesting is percolating in preparation of the Wake County Convention taking place this afternoon. The big agenda item isn't the election of new county officers where six of the nine current officers are seeking re-election and all are running unopposed -- for now.

Politically Incorrect. The bigger story at today's convention is a bit more subversive. Forty-one members of an unofficial club have placed their names on the ballots for State Executive Committee seats in response to the North Carolina State Party's chair election upset in late January. In the past, SEC candidates barely numbered enough to fill the allotted seats for Wake County. But this year, it's a whole new ballgame with nearly twice as many candidates as there are seats on both the men's and women's ballots.

A group calling itself the "Progressive Democrats of Wake County" have 41 candidates vying for 73 SEC seats. If elected, they can effectively silence more moderate, centrist and even liberal democrats who don't subscribe to the group's more ardent uber-liberal point-of-view and public office wanna-bees.

This majority of this group's "faction" is based in just 9 of Wake County's 200 precincts. The two SEC ballots (split by gender) do not list any information other than a candidate's name. There's no mention of precinct number, precinct officer position or even municipality (believe it or not there are many more in Wake County than just Raleigh).

Lack of Key Information. There's no effort to insure the NCDP nor the WCDP have fair representation across all municipalities, precincts or even racial diversity. Without this information available to convention voters, it's just another blind situation bent on keeping a few in charge while weakening the party's ability to build the best message based on what voters are focused on across the entire county.

The Smell of Victory? For those Wake County Democrats tired of the smell of defeat, NCDPpolitics is providing a fact-based list to help convention voters know what's really going on. There's not much anyone can do to rejuvenate the incompetency of executive county board given most are running unopposed for re-election. Seriously.

However, we can inform you about who's running and who shouldn't be running for the State Executive Committee seats representing Wake County Democrats.  There are four sections to review:
  1. Endorsed SEC candidates
  2. Rejected SEC candidates
  3. SEC candidates removed from office
  4. Imbalance in precinct representation
NCDPpolitics urges you to print a copy of these items and take it with you to the convention. Know before you vote.  It's too important to ignore or Republicans will continue winning elections and turn North Carolina into a red state for good.

1. Endorsements

Recommended SEC Candidates (Wake)
These are the hardworking democrats who've earned an SEC seat and your vote because they have (1) personally organized their precinct, (2) serve as a precinct chair or vice chair, and (3) abide by the NCDP Plan of Organization's rules and regulations:

 - Antonia McFarland 01-49 Chair Raleigh
 - Barbara Ann Hughes 11-02 Chair Raleigh
 - Catherine Evangelista 20-05 Chair Cary
 - Christine Rothemich 08-04 Chair Raleigh
 - Deborah Swain 01-40 Chair Raleigh
 - Helen Bunch 13-07 Chair Raleigh
 - Jannet Barns 17-04 Chair Knightdale
 - Lindy Brown 16-09 Chair Garner
 - Mary Perry 09-01 Chair Wewendell
 - Matty LazoChaderton 04-04 Chair Cary
 - Monica Coleman 17-11 Chair Raleigh
 - Sheila Morris 04-08 Chair Cary
 - Sylvia Southerland 19-11 Chair Wake Forest
 - Virginia Tally 01-22 Vice Chair Raleigh


- Adam Terando 07-07 Chair Raleigh
 - Bill Clay 02-01 Chair Raleigh
 - Bob Hymen 18-02 Chair Apex
 - Doc Thorne 04-04 Chair Cary
 - Eugene Weeks 01-22 Chair Raleigh
 - Harrison Shell 01-50 Chair Raleigh
 - Jim Mettrey 07-09 Vice Chair Raleigh
 - Joe Parker 07-01 Chair Raleigh
 - Julius West 13-07 Chair Raleigh
 - Watt Jones 19-03 Chair Wake Forest

2. Rejected SEC Candidates

Undeserving of your vote. The following democrats live in unorganized precincts but choose to overlook this fundamental requirement while seeking a seat on the State Executive Committee. Incapable or unwilling to get their "own house in order," these underserving democrats ignore grassroots organization in their own backyard! We all know people like them, those who seek a title without putting in the sweat equity to earn it.

These may be good democrats at heart but their lack of effort makes them undeserving at this time:

WOMENS BALLOT - candidates in unorganized precincts

  - Barbara Whitman* 10-04 Raleigh
  - Debra McHenry 15-01 Garner
  - Greer Beatty 12-05 Raleigh
  - Janet Schanzenbach 20-02 Cary
  - Jeanette Mayo 07-04 Raleigh
  - Manuela Seymour 07-06 Raleigh
  - Nancy Looper 04-11 Cary
  - Paulette Hill 12-05 Raleigh
  - Rita Roberts 08-05 Raleigh
  - Ruth Merkle 04-12 Cary
  - Stephanie Elbialy 05-05 Raleigh
  - Tristy Evely 04-06 Cary

*Currently listed as a registered Republican on the State Board of Elections Voter Registration

MENS BALLOT - candidates in unorganized precincts
  - Bill Yoder 08-05 Raleigh
  - Blaise Strenn 13-01 Raleigh
  - CharlesMalone 01-36 Raleigh
  - Chris Heagarty 08-02 Raleigh
  - Chris Jaun 05-05 Raleigh
  - Conen Morgan 05-05 Raleigh
  - Keith Karlsson 07-06 Raleigh
  - Kevin Seymour 07-06 Raleigh
  - Marshal Harvey 01-16 Raleigh
  - Matt Calabria 01-21 Raleigh
  - Max Mattia 18-04 Cary
  - Mike McKeown 19-13 Raleigh
  - Ron Sanyal 08-02 Raleigh

3. Wake Candidates Kicked off SEC in 2010
In September 2010, several Wake SEC members were kicked out of office for failure to attend two or more quarterly meetings AND failed to send a proxy in his or her place during their term under Section 4.01 of the Plan of Organization. Incredibly, three of these individuals (asterisked below) want you to vote them back on the SEC today. Don't waste your vote on these no-shows when so many others would like the opportunity to serve

 - Greer Beatty **
 - Joanne Casey **
 - Max Mattia **
 - Laura Farkas
 - Sarah Winkler
 - Winnona Swayze- Anton Grantham
 - Edward Rubio

4. Imbalance in Precinct Representation
Nine precincts in Wake County have crowded the SEC ballot, stacking it with multiple candidates. Identified below are the few precincts attempting to consolidate control over the rest of Wake County's Democrats. These handful of precincts represent less than 5% of the county's 200 precincts. 

Use the list to vote for better representation across all precincts. Choose between candidates from the same precinct to help create balance across the county in building a stronger democratic party. Time to end the old-guard working to undermine our new State Party Chair David Parker's efforts.  Vote for democrats making a difference by working from the grassroots level on up.  

Precinct 13-07 = seeking 6 seats
Brenda Eaddy13-07
Helen Bunch13-07
Janet West13-07
Janice Sears13-07
Adriadn Ortega13-07
Julius West13-07

Precinct 17-05 = seeking 5 seats
Dora King Morgan17-05
Eunice Jones17-05
Nervahna Crew17-05
Max Adams17-05
Mary Starkey17-05

Precinct 18-01 = seeking 4 seats
Kathi Lizak*18-01
Linda Suggs18-01
Will Cubbison*18-01
Chris Lizak*18-01

Precinct 01-02 = seeking 3 seats
Greg Flynn*01-02
Mark Ezzell01-02
Paul Collins*01-02

Precinct 01-22 = seeking 3 seats
Rosa Gill*01-22
Virginia Tally01-22
Eugene Weeks01-22

Precinct 01-50 = seeking 3 seats
Pat Hawkins01-50
George Greene01-50
Harrison Shell01-50

Precinct 5-05 is UNORGANIZED yet seeking 3 seats
Stephanie Elbialy05-05
Chris Jaun05-05
Conen Morgan05-05

Precinct 07-09 = seeking 3 seats
Stephanie Eriksen-Goslen*07-09
Jesse Goslen07-09
Jim Mettrey07-09

Precinct 18-07 = seeking 3 seats
Doris Weaver*18-07
Hazel Slocumb18-07
Prabha Ramakrishnan18-07

* SEC members who voted against NCDP Chair David Parker and who publicly endorsed his opponent Bill Faison.

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