The GOP legislative agenda will focus on redistricting and the state budget. After that is the plan to place the Defense of Marriage act on the 2012 ballot as an amendment to the state constitution. If the General Assembly can actually pass the bill by through the required super majorities, the governor has no ability to block it.
So who among the democratic state party chair candidates stands for the rights of LGBTs?
David Parker does. Bill Faison does not. According to several sources, including Michael J. Gould's post today on BlueNC who wrote Faison didn't even recognize the acronym, LGBT whereas Parker knew it instantly and supports the cause for equal rights. Gould wrote:
Finally, I approached Bill a few weeks ago, as I did with David, and asked him why we don't have a LGBT Caucus formerly within the state party. Bill looked at me and asked what I meant by "LGBT." Now if I had been talking with a typical registered democrat, the lack of detailed knowledge would be understandable, but not with a sitting legislator and candidate for state chair. David did understand what I was talking about and expressed enthusiasm and support for a caucus. -- Michael J. GouldLGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender" people who make up a significant population on the planet. Homosexuals alone are estimated at between 10 and 13% percent of the human population. The population stats on Bisexual and Transgender have yet to be confirmed. Still, the majority of this demographic supports the democratically party and votes democrat. The Daily Kos blog published well-known democratic blogger Pam Spaulding's story which referenced The IndyWeek article quoting Faison's anti-gay rights position.
Perhaps underscoring Faison's tobacco-country appeal is his position on issues relating to gay and lesbian rights. "As a general proposition, I think the concept of gay rights is a misnomer," he says. "It's not about rights at all. It's about public visibility, people wanting to make a statement. Rights are legal things and can generally be accorded without involvement of the state." When asked where he would stand on legislation banning the legal recognition of any same-sex relationships, including domestic partnerships, a bill gay rights groups fear will be introduced soon, Faison responds, "I would not support legislation to treat same-gender relationships as if they were a husband and wife." --Fiona Morgan
The GOP has the votes in the state senate required to vote against the Defense of Marriage bill. To put it on the ballot, the GOP need only convince four House democrats to vote with them.
With Faison's anti-gay rhetoric, it's shocking to see progressive democrats supporting him over David Parker' for state party chair. We need a leader who welcomes every democrat not just those who's lifestyle is deemed politically "safe."
If you care about equal rights for the LGBT, vote Parker for NCDP Chair. It's just one of the many reasons he's a better leader for our party.
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