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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

AAC endorses Parker, Mabry & others for NCDP officers elections

The African-American Caucus endorsed David Parker for Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party according to the Charlotte Observer this morning.  The AAC is an officially recognized auxiliary club by the state democratic party and, in an ironic twist, endorsed June Mabry over AAC-founder Stella Adams for First Vice Chair.

The AAC-NCDP endorsement is a major coup for Parker and comes as a major blow to Parker's opponent, Rep. Bill Faison, in the final days before the state party's election on January 29th in Raleigh.

The campaign has been ugly due to Faisson's smear campaign against Parker through baseless innuendo, rumors and false accusations aimed at undermining Parker's broad support. A third candidate for Chair, Dannie Montgomery, has refrained from making any derogatory remarks against her opponents.

A comparison of the chair candidates' endorsement lists on their respective websites show Parker with an impressive lead among State Executive Committee members, those elected to vote in the state party officers' elections.  Faison's endorsement list contains names of his fellow state house representatives and a few "activists" who can not vote in the officers' election because they are not SEC members.

A major issue in the campaign is Faison's inability to raise funds for the state party during the legislative sessions.  State campaign finance laws prohibit sitting legislators from accepting contributions from special interests PACs, an issue Faison refuses to fully acknowledge will limit his ability to fundraise if elected chair.  

To counter the limitation's impact, Faison held a party fundraiser prior to the start of the state legislative session earlier this month at the NCDP headquarters in Raleigh.  To date, there's no word from Faison's campaign as to how much money this event actually raised although we expect to hear Faison claim a purposely unverifiable amount in his election speech to the SEC assembly this Saturday. The millionaire, who has self-financed his own campaigns in the past, is suspected of contributing a sizeable personal check to supplement the fundraiser's total to not only save face but to sway uninformed SEC voters.

This morning, Progressives Democrats member and blogger Martha Brock incorrectly reported that Faison has been a long-time party activist which contradicts Faison's own statements that he's never worked for the Democratic Party other than running for office. There is no mention in Faison's website biography page of ever serving the party in any volunteer capacity.  In contrast, Parker has a long, rich 35-year history of working to get Democrats elected at all levels of government. 

Progressive Democrats is a rogue organization posing as an official state party auxiliary club  however, it is not recognized by the state party. This private group has been vocal in its support for Faison who, ironically, does not support the progressives' platform on issues such as gay marriage.

The AAC also endorsed Douglas Wilson for 2nd Vice Chair, Paul Johnson for 3rd Vice Chair and Melvin Williams for Secretary. Williams' endorsement is at odds with the AAC's mission to support and elect African Americans to political office as Williams is white and his opponent, Kevin Smith is African-American.

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